Full credits from IMDbWatch the TrailerDirected by: Francis Lawrence
Written by: Mark Protosevich & Akiva Goldsman
When will science ever learn?
I Am Legend, based on the same-name novel by Richard Matheson that has been adapted directly at least twice before (including, unremarkably, as the Charlton Heston camp vehicle
The Omega Man), bears a blatant similarity to
28 Days Later, another recent film about the outbreak of a virus that turns mankind into a large pack of cannibalistic zombie-like creatures. It even lifts a shot from that film directly, of the larger-than-life shadows of the approaching monsters, as a way, presumably, of paying homage. But while Danny Boyle and Alex Ross' film was a multilayered assessment, and broad critique, of the contemporary culture, one with a powerful anti-military streak,
I Am Legend is a deeply conservative, religious and anti-science polemic. In short, regardless of its source material (from which I understand it liberally departs), it's a conspicuously Americanized take on its English predecessor.
Will Smith stars as the Last Man on Earth, or at least New York, the sole human populator—he has an adorably loyal German shepherd to keep him company—of a Manhattan with no bridge access to the rest of the world.
I Am Legend is best in its early setting-establishing scenes, as Smith, doing an excellent job of keeping the film compelling, interacts with his canine companion as though he were a child—having one-sided arguments about eating vegetables or taking a bath—while wandering, by daylight, a stunningly desolate and decimated New York City overgrown with CGI weeds and full of CGI deer and rusting CGI cars. He does the post-apocalyptic tourist thing, of course: fishing at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, practicing his golf swing off the wing of a fighter jet aboard the Intrepid, and deer hunting at a neon-less Times Square, one so dangerous, populated by lions and tigers (oh my!), that you get the sense that not even Giuliani could clean it up.
Nor could Giuliani likely take on the hungry and homicidal hellions that overtake the city at nightfall, while Smith is safely locked down in his secret (and spacious!) Washington Square townhouse. (Surely, with the world gone to such shit a year after the 2008 election, Rudy's been elected president?) Director Francis Lawrence, whose only previous film credit (music videos aside) was directing the by-most-accounts inauspicious
Constantine, proves himself a surprisingly deft filmmaker, crafting a large handful of effective sequences, particularly an early scene in which Smith searches for his runaway dog in a darkened, and presumably zombie-filled, warehouse. The tension is marvelously sustained as Lawrence is coyly withholding, showing us only a quick glimpse, after much built-up anticipation, of the huddled zombies—with their backs turned, no less. (There's also a brilliantly bizarre scene in which a bit of dialogue from
Shrek, recited from memory by Smith, takes on a double meaning and moves the film along.)
I Am Legend's problem is that, as well-crafted as it may be, the script is downright atrocious. (Co-writer Akiva Goldsman is
responsible for penning such gems as Schumacher's
Batman films and three out of Ron Howard's last four films.) Using lines like "social de-evolution is complete" and cheap (but unfortunately necessary, I suppose) techniques like having Smith keep us up on the narrative through direct address video journals is forgivable, as are the copious plot holes, but once the dog is inevitably, and shamefully, hurt in a deplorable bit of emotional manipulation around the middle of the film, it's all downhill as the film sputters on into nonsense theology blended with boilerplate action. Turns out that Smith isn't the last man on the earth, just the last
black man, with the sloppy last-act introduction of some secondary characters to whom Smith can preach the Gospel of Bob Marley, like a college freshman trying to make friends at orientation, and deliver lines like, "God didn't do this, we did." Early in the film, the camera lingers on a poster still hanging on the streets of New York that reads, "God still loves us." Amidst the destruction it seems ironic, but we soon discover it's meant more as an admonishment to the audience. Take note that it isn't an accident that, from what we can gather from the quick flashbacks, the threat to America's stability begins in Manhattan, that hotbed of secular humanism.
so i first saw the trailer awhile ago, and i've only seen a couple more since - and i've been anticipating this as a really great film experience.
unfortunately, with a movie of this magnitude, it's hard to avoid hearing about the story before hand - and i didn't know it was adapted from a book, until someone told me, then preceded to tell me about the book. idiot.
the reason i was looking forward to it was i really thought (more like 'hoped') it would defy normal convention and really play off the 'last man left on earth' bit. and those teased, thrill-packed scenes from the trailer would mean that his enemies would be wild animals who are taking back the world. instead, from what i gather, it's zombies. which is still cool. but when you add it to the already unstable combination of big hollywood + will smith + cgi + bad dialogue (one of my biggest pet peeves), then the whole thing gives off a very different impression.
i'll probably still watch it tho - sometime. but as my previous post says, thank you for helping me make my decision, since (generally) i've come to trust your taste.
and again, great great writing job. the guiliani bits are priceless.
i just saw this movie, and re-read your review (and my original response). i have to say, i really liked the movie. alot. agreed on the plot-holes, and the dialogue begins to suffer once there are actual humans to interact with.
but, and i hate to say this, will smith was excellent. his relationship with his dog was truly heartfelt (maybe moreso to us doglovers) and very natural amidst all the cgi. his interaction with the mannequins was also well played (and well written, i thought). and the suspense and action of the 'vampire' scenes was literally edge-of-your-seat stuff.
but i think the best part of the whole thing was the role of daylight/darkness. the way they used the amount of daylight to suggest danger, and then build the suspense was very well done. especially the scene when will smith is trapped, and finally wakes up to his dog barking, and the most prominent thing in the whole scene is the fact that there's barely any daylight left - only that blue-ish hue that everything becomes as the sun starts to disappear.
i was thoroughly suprised - just thought i'd share (many months late).
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