07 July 2010

The Kids Are All Right

Directed by: Lisa Cholodenko
Written by: Lisa Cholodenko & Stuart Blumberg
Full credits at IMDb

Genuinely touching and persuasively pro-family, The Kids Are All Right offers a remarkably honest and moving depiction of marriage—and it's a gay marriage! In fact, Kids portrays the ultimate Modern Family, one-upping the ABC sitcom of that name not with its lesbian moms or their teenage kids, but by tossing in the sperm donor, too. Mark Ruffalo, at his hunkiest, plays that previously anonymous jizz-giver, called 18-years-later into the lives of the kids he didn't even know he had when they seek him out.

Kids is built around easy foils—one kid's sporty (Josh Hutcherson), the other's a science whiz (Mia "Alice" Wasikowska); one mom's uptight (Annette Bening), the other's easygoing (Julianne Moore)—but none is more conspicuous than Ruffalo, playing the opposite of the family-unit itself: he's the alluring outsider, the free-loving motorcyclist with a cool record collection who allows each family member to cast off the reins long-held by their controlling matriarch...

Keep reading at The L Magazine

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