29 February 2012

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Directed by: Stephen Daldry
Written by: Eric Roth
Full credits at IMDb

[The main character] embodied the caricature of the new, post-Giuliani New Yorker, the self-centered resident who considers the city his personal plaything. The movie is a lot of fun as a contemporary travelogue (hey, it's our beloved Sunny's! And the intersection of Front and Pearl streets!), as the movie's junior detective story—imbued with phony gravitas via terrorism—takes Oskar from Queens to Brooklyn, exploring the city's diversity to discover that most New Yorkers are fundamentally sympathetic and kind (as long as they don't live in Rockaway). But the city also comes across as a baby-proofed wonderland, in which an unaccompanied minor's greatest concern when gabbing with a group of homeless people in Central Park, or walking over the Manhattan Bridge to Fort Greene, or climbing into a car with a strange adult, is whether he can muster the courage to overcome his social anxieties. I guess he has bigger things to worry about, like strangers flying planes into buildings?

Keep reading my conversation with Benjamin Sutton at The L Magazine

Watch the trailer:

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