26 March 2009

The Perfect Sleep

Directed by: Jeremy Alter
Written by: Anton Pardoe
Full credits from IMDb

Grade: 1/4

Like the upcoming exercise in sci-fi camp, Alien Trespass, The Perfect Sleep is an empty homage to a bygone genre. Several genres, in fact: It's a kung-fu noir with a modern machine-gun mobster movie twist. If that sounds like fun, it's not.) Writer Anton Pardoe stars as the Narrator, a snide mutterer who has come back to town after a decade or so in exile to clean up a lifetime's worth of messes in a matter of hours; many people with exotic names have to die for reasons that are unclear, or at least unconvincing. Too frequently, I had little idea what was happening or who certain characters were, but the gist seems to be something about the children of enemy gangsters who have grown up to be enemy gangster-types themselves, with a heap of mommy and daddy issues to work out.

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