26 February 2010

Essay: "To The Poor and Decent: Get Out of Town!"

In recent years, New York movies have arrived in pairs: in 2008, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist and The Pleasure of Being Robbed opened on the same weekend, offering distinct portraits of the gentrified city. The following year, New York, I Love You cluelessly captured life in "The City," only to have its non-native fantasy quietly rebuked weeks later by the otherwise pointless and meta-conceited Uncertainty.

Last Friday, two more New York movies opened, begging for comparison: the Wall-Street-is-bad The Good Guy and, well, the Wall-Street-is-bad The Last New Yorker. Though the former is centered on transplanted yuppie scum, and the latter on elderly, displaced natives, the two films are essentially about the same thing: couples being pushed out of a city in which they don't belong. In The Last New Yorker, it's for cultural and, even more so, economic reasons; in The Good Guy, it's moral.

Keep reading at The L Magazine.

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